Monday, December 10, 2012

How To Be A Good Surfer

I know it in my heart this is going to be an awesome ride not until I saw him underneath my board
How To Be A Good Surfer

I stumbled upon this article back when I was looking for tips to improve my stance, posture and stability in surfing. When I scanned through this article, I decided to skip it believing it was irrelevant because it talked about morals & etiquette, which at that time I thought I did not need. Having been to many surf trips this year, especially in those beaches with a crowded line up, I tried reading it again and I realized that this is, by far, the most essential surf article that every beginner should read. Every beginner like me should know the surfing etiquette even before he or she starts to surf. No, it does not enumerate the steps in finding that perfect swell or surfing it, but instead it discusses the real essence of surfing.

It's basically about understanding the sport. The lessons that it will teach you, the situations you will be facing, the kind of attitude that you should have. It's not about the gadgets, wetsuit/rashguard or you have, it's not about getting a good wave all the time, and etc., but on how you act and treat the surfers around you.

In summary, the point of this article is that being a good surfer does not mean you have to be a pro to be considered as one. Not all pro-surfers are good surfers and not all good surfers are pro-surfers. Being a good surfer is about being humble, showing respect, always pulling in, knowing where he/she fits in the line up and always paddling back out.

Here are some of the lines that strucked me the most:

"Buy surfboards. Know what’s involved in making a board, even if you don’t make the board yourself. Know that it’s a product of craftsmanship, a skill that requires precision to a sixteenth of an inch, a skill that is honed over time. Appreciate this. Also appreciate that you likely don’t have these skills, and find the best person who does that you can have a relationship with."

"Pay full price for you board. Because it’s worth it, and because shapers are surfers who don’t get paid enough for what they do. Bring a six-pack when you pick up the board, discuss its making."

"There are women in the lineup. Let them be surfers. They do not want to be hit on when they’re going surfing, and they do not find this attractive. They want to go surfing, same as you. Respect this. That said, if you want to sneak a peek, go for it."

"On travel: Put in work. Find a spot. Score it. Be quiet. No Tweets, no Facebook, no pictures, no blogs, no braggadocio. Surfing can teach you how to experience joy and excitement, and how to keep that joy and excitement to yourself. Allow it to do so."

"Sometimes you mess up. Sometimes you fall. Sometimes you fail. Don’t punch the water. Don’t scream. Get back on your board, paddle back out. Always paddle back out."

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Let The Sea Set You Free

The sound of the waves is really haunting me. I really can't wait to hit the beach soon and while I'm busy drowning myself with series, books and whatnot...the arsty fartsy and diligent in me suddenly decided to come out, which rarely happens. I made this wallpaper yesterday and yes, there are 156,783,987,658 versions of that. I'll post my old works next time!

I made this two months ago -- FAITH is what we only need

("Let the sea set you free" is a contest and a global social media initiative by ROXY that embraces digital and multimedia platforms.)

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Boardwalk

"The cure for anything is salt water. Sweat, tears, or the ocean." - Isak Dinesen

The Boardwalk, a photo by revelinmockglory on Flickr.

This is a photo that I took while we were exploring the island one afternoon. I miss the ocean badly. I miss the sound of the waves crashing. I miss surfing. I miss wiping out. I miss paddling and waiting for the next wave. I am in dire need of vitamin sea.

It's been two months and counting since the last time I surfed and I can't believe that it's been that long. I've always make it to a point to surf at least once a month but ever since April, I find it to difficult to leave already. I told myself that I have to spend the long weekend in Baler to eat, drink and surf but then, my dad did not allow me because in the Chinese culture, it's the ghost month from August 19 to September 19 and we are advised to avoid traveling, shopping and whatnot. So even my Samar trip next weekend will be cancelled because of this. I decided to give it to Instik, Gregi's wife, a local surfer from Baler, so that she can be with his husband when they leave for Samar on Saturday. I can't believe I will miss this surfing trip...It's sad but it's better to be safe than sorry.

September 20: I'll make damn sure that I'll be in Baler!

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

#NoFilter The Movie

A 26-minute surf film that premiered in YouTube?! How awesome is that!!! According to Fox Head Inc., this movie is "Not your typical surf film, #NOFILTER The Movie willgive you an in-depth, raw look into the lives of some of surfing's elite. Spotlighting Fox pro-surfers Ian Walsh, Damien Hobgood and Bede Durbidge, #NOFILTER The Movie will take you far beyond the typical surfing footage with this honest 1,562 second film."

Watching this just made me crave for the ocean. It's been 4 months since my last surf...I can't wait to hit the ocean and surf! Two weeks 'til Samar!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Halfway there!

Back in grade school, if you get five out of ten in a test that means you failed. So does this mean, as a Filipino, who is surrounded by these amazing beaches, I'm a failure? Challenge accepted it is then!

Nah...who am I kidding? Challenge or not, I will make sure that I get to go to all the ten beaches that they mentioned here...even more! I've only been to five and I can't wait to see the other!

According to, these are "some of the best beaches in the Philippines that one may consider visiting"

1. Boracay
Discovery Shores Boracay

2. Pagudpud - the first and last time that I went here was 18 years ago. I have yet to find my picture! I must post as soon as I find it.

3. Mactan Island
Costa Bella Resort, Cebu

4. Panglao

Bohol Beach Club

5. Camiguin – the palce has been known to be one of the most beautiful places in the Philippines because it still seems like a paradise. Some people even consider the palce the “Garden of Eden” in the country. Camiguin has a great topography that includes waterfalls, and the hot and cold springs. The place will be mesmerizing and will definitely tempt you to go back.

6. Dakak – a private beach that spans about 750 meters long the Sulu Sea. The beach also has great white sands that can be compared to powder. The pool’s water comes from the spring water and the waterfalls that are on the area. 

7. Honda Bay – this are islands that surround the capital of the South Western province of Palawan. Among these islands, the tourist can go island hopping, diving and swim on the cool waters. In one of the islands, one can see the variety of fishes without swimming out too deep. 

8. El Nido – the palce has been known as the country’s last frontier and Palawan - the Island of the Gods. This place offers great beaches that will tae you away from the urban life. This place is the best to visit if you are looking for complete peace and quiet. Aside from the magnificent beach, the palce also offers you a sight of the beautiful seascapes, towering marble cliffs and a variety of tropical birds. 

9. Pearl Farm – far south in the city of Davao, lies the premier beach resort know as the Pearl Farm. The place no longer has the pearls you are looking for. But the place can still offer an experience as valuable as a pearl. This is because of the great resort that is accompanied by the white sands. 

10. Siargao
Surfing at a secret surf spot in Siargao

TOTAL: 5/10

5 MORE!!!
