Monday, December 05, 2011

The Great Escape

"Hey child, things are looking down. That’s okay, you don’t need to win anyways. Don’t be afraid, just eat up all the gray and it will fade all away. Don’t let yourself fall down. Bad day, looking for the great escape." - The Great Escape - Patrick Watson

Destination: Baler, Aurora
Date: December 3-4, 2011

Road trip # 7 playlist:
  • Rawness EP - Ponchos
  • Summer Days - A Hipster Collective Mixtape
  • Summer Nights - A Hipster Collective Mixtape
  • Everything is Dancing - Fair Ohs

Traveling alone will always be in someone's bucket list. Sometimes we need this, a break from everything, a time for yourself. Last weekend, I took a trip to Baler by myself. My parents, of course, does not now that I went on my own. But I made sure that some of my friends knew where I was going. I know I was safe but deep down, I was nervous as hell. But sitting in the ocean alone, waiting for the wave to come and surfing that wave...made me feel that this trip is worth it.

Sunrise in Sabang Beach, Baler

If you think I go to Baler to I go for this - Bay's Inn Chocolate shake! HAHA

Traveling alone could be boring but for me, I think it could be one's way to reconnect with themselves or what others might call "soul-searching". Even though I've crossed "travelling alone" out of my bucket list, I still to travel to an unfamiliar place alone...immerse myself in their culture, live their life for a day or so and just live, not caring about what others think, because this way we get to appreciate the simplicity of life sans technology, luxury and whatnot, which I believe we all need now.

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